June 25, 2022 all-day

We have teamed up with the Armitt Museum to provide a series of walking events in June as part of their “The Pull of the Fells” exhibition, which looks at the history of fell walking, rock climbing, and mountaineering in the Lakes, as well as the physical and mental wellbeing benefits of these activities.

Starting from Ambleside we will ascend to the lower slopes of Loughrigg and head south west passing Loughrigg Tarn. Circumnavigating Loughrigg we will take in fabulous views of both Grasmere and Rydal Water.

The route then follows Loughrigg Terrace were we will have a short diversion to explore Rydal Caves before crossing the river to Rydal Mount with its attractive waterfall. We will then follow a track through the peaceful grounds of Rydal Mount back to Ambleside.

There will be a 20% discount to the museum entry fees if you present the eventbrite eticket

For further details, and to book a place, you can book your place via our Eventbrite page.