Our Impact

Our aim, at Blackdog Outdoors, is to promote and encourage a re-connection with nature to improve mental health and wellbeing. We achieve this through recreational activities and, to ensure that our work remains relevant, we collect anonymous survey information from our event attendees.

Some of this information, coupled with our event statistics, is detailed below. The information continues to demonstrate that our work, undertaken throughout the UK, continues to have positive impact on our attendees.

Event Statistics

The details below are taken from April 2019 to December 31st 2023 and will be further updated in December 2024. As of December 2023 we have delivered the following throughout the UK, supporting more than 3,000 people in the process:

  • 199 walking events
  • 23 climbing events
  • 75 paddle events
  • 35 indoor bouldering sessions
  • 24 Mountain Training Mountain Skills training courses

Of the above, 80% of events were delivered in England, 6% in Scotland, and 14% in Wales. Within the reporting period we took a 7 month hiatus from activities due to the COVID pandemic.

Survey Feedback Data

Our attendees are asked to complete an anonymous survey before the event, and a further survey after the event. The information gathered from these surveys allows us to benchmark feelings like mood and anxiety levels before participation, and again afterwards, to demonstrate the effect that the event has had on the attendees.

We have listed some of the survey findings below that, in all cases, demonstrates a positive trend in mental wellbeing following completion of the event.

  • 48% were anxious, nervous or on edge before attending the event whereas only 20% said they would be anxious about the next event
  • 50% stated that they had a good mood before attending, increasing to 72% after the event
  • 89% felt confident the event would be a safe space before the event, increasing to 98% after the event
  • 71% felt confident about attending a Blackdog outdoors event, increasing to 96% after the event
  • 89% stated they thought the event would be good for their mental health and wellbeing and 97% stated the event helped improve their mood / wellbeing
  • 62% said they get anxious before events and 78% said that they would be less anxious before the next event
  • 100% of respondents stated they would recommend Blackdog Outdoors

Qualitative feedback on our work can be found on our testimonials page.